Open hearted and open minded, curious, good humour, serious, accepting, questioning, truthful, present, ... Feels comfortable in complex, conflict-laden and seemingly unsolvable situations. Not knowing? A most valuable perspective.
Podcast episodes, videos, articles. Most of them in German. If you are interested, get in touch and let's talk.
„Der unsichtbare Aktivismus“ („The Invisible Activism“) Article on inner activism and outer action, published at „Integrale Perspektiven“, 2020 (in German only).
I am running the following websites, or I am part of the people running them. Again: most of them are in German. If you are interested, get in touch with me and I can tell you more. Website about the book „Agile Moderation“ („Agile Facilitation“, in German only) Website about the book „Am Ende der Machbarkeit“ („When Achieving Ends“, in German only) Website of the Due Donne Network of freelancing facilitators, business coaches and seminar leaders (in German only) Deutsche Gemeinschaft für Moderation (German Community for Facilitation) – a community giving certifications to professional facilitators (in German only)